Do You Get Fat if You Sleep After Eating?

Weight control is all about calorie balance -- if you eat too much and move too little, you end up with a surplus of calories that leads to weight gain. When you eat those calories doesn't matter as much as their quality, their amount and your activity level all day long.

Andrea Cespedes
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Can Skipping Breakfast Cause You to Gain Weight?

While conventional wisdom suggests you eat breakfast daily -- no matter what -- you don't necessarily need a morning meal to avoid gaining weight.

Sylvie Tremblay, MSc
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How Much Weight Can You Gain From Sodium?

Sodium doesn't actually make your body gain fat -- it causes bloating and water retention that causes the number on your scale to rise. You can't predict, however, how much these numbers will increase when you overindulge in salty foods.

Andrea Cespedes
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Why Do I Weigh More on the Scale Today Even After Exercising?

Weighing in immediately following exercise or even the morning after a workout can give you a false sense of the effects of exercise on your weight.

Pam Murphy
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Gaining Weight and Eating 1,200 Calories a Day

Restricting your daily intake to 1,200 calories per day requires diligence and, oftentimes, hunger. With that effort and deprivation, you would expect to lose weight. When the opposite happens and the scale numbers go up, however, you may feel like throwing in the weight-loss towel and eating with abandon.

Andrea Cespedes
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Foods That Make You Fat Quickly

Too much of any food can lead to weight gain. The ones that make you fat most quickly are, predictably, those with lots of sugar, fats and refined grains. These foods provide easily digested and processed calories with minimal nutrition content.

Andrea Cespedes
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Do You Gain Weight After Juice Fasting?

Juice fasting typically involves subsisting on just fruit and vegetable juices for the length of the fast, although in some versions people add some cashew or almond milk to slightly increase the protein content of their fasting diet.

Jessica Bruso
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Eating Before Bed & Gaining Weight

Weight gain occurs if you consume more calories than you burn daily, regardless of what time of day you eat the calories. If you're eating late, heading straight to bed and the number on the scale is going up, it's possible that you're eating too much.

Andrea Cespedes
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Why Do Some People Gain Weight Faster Than Others?

Your best friend seems to eat everything in sight but never gain a pound, while you look at a slice of cake and start packing on pounds. It may be the luck of the genetic draw, but diet and lifestyle factors also help determine how you manage your weight.

Paula Martinac
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What Health Problems Can Cause a Person Not to Gain Weight?

There are several common diseases that can lead to the inability to gain weight -- but there could also be a simpler explanation, such as not getting enough calories in your diet.

Solomon Branch
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What Causes Lower Body Weight Gain?

Most weight gain in adulthood results when you consistently consume more calories than you burn. Even 100 extra calories per day can lead to a 10-pound increase in weight over the course of a year. Where you store that fat depends on your genetic body type, which is usually dictated by your gender and hormones.

Andrea Cespedes
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Eating Less & Gaining Weight

It’s a frustrating experience -- you’ve been cutting calories like crazy in order to shed pounds, but the number on the scale is creeping up. You might have an underlying medical condition that affects your metabolism, or you may need to incorporate additional diet and lifestyle changes.

Paula Martinac
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