How to Heal a Cut in My Nose

Cuts inside the nose can be challenging to treat, but with proper care, minor nose cuts respond well to home treatment.

Jason Brick
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Average Amount of Stomach Acid in the Human Stomach

Your stomach secretes a variety of fluids that aid in digestion, including stomach acid. Stomach acid is composed primarily of hydrochloric acid, making the stomach a very acidic environment with a pH of 1 to 2.

Ann Jamerson
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What Is "Dex" in Mountain Climbing?

Known among mountaineers as “dex,” dexamethasone is a steroid used to treat high-altitude cerebral edema. Every year about 2 percent of mountain climbers suffer from this life-threatening condition, according to Ken Kamler’s 2005 article, “Steroids on Everest” on the National Geographic website.

Kay Tang
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Signs of Full-Blown AIDS

Without HIV treatment, full-blown AIDS usually takes about a decade to develop. During this last phase of the disease, the virus severely damages the immune system to a point where the body can no longer fight a number of viral, fungal, bacterial and parasitic infections that invade.

Virginia Franco
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