Can Certain Foods Increase the Testicular Secretion of Testosterone?

A proper diet helps you maintain lean muscle mass, lose fat and achieve proper hormonal function. In men, eating the right foods ensures that the testicles secrete an adequate amount of testosterone.

Progesterone Levels & Clomid Treatment for Infertility

Hormones such as progesterone, produced by the corpus luteum, the leftover "shell" of the follicle that contained the ovulated egg, play a crucial role in maintaining a pregnancy. One sign of inadequate progesterone levels is a short luteal phase, or luteal phase defect, after ovulation.

T4 Hormone & Weightlifting

Body builders often turn to supplements to lose fat, build lean muscle mass and reduce recovery time after intense workouts. Because anabolic steroids are frequently banned in competitions, weightlifters turn to more natural supplements to produce results.

Progesterone for Irregular Menstruation

Most women will have an irregular menstrual cycle at some point in their reproductive years. Menstrual irregularities can begin at puberty or when a woman’s reproductive years come to an end, nearing menopause.

Side Effects of Steroid Eye Drops

Steroid eye drops are used to treat a variety of conditions that include everything from dry eyes to arthritis flare-ups in the eye. Steroids mimic a naturally occurring substance in the body called cortisol that reduces inflammation in eye disease and prevents scarring after eye injuries or surgeries.

Ginger & Thyroid Function

Ginger is not only a flavorful additive for cooking and baking, it also may improve health. In Chinese medicine, ginger is used to treat a number of conditions, from nausea and congestion to cancer treatment and prevention.

A Disorder Caused By Hypersecretion From the Thyroid Gland

The thyroid is a small gland that is located in the throat. It makes hormones that regulate the body's base metabolism by controlling how much energy cells use on a regular basis.

What Foods Produce Pheromones in the Body?

Sexual attraction may be more science than seduction, making “chemistry” between people a reality. National Public Radio reported that scientists in 1959, first identified chemical triggers sent and received by living organisms, and named them pheromones.

Ovulation With a Low Progesterone Level

Getting pregnant is not always easy; in fact, it can be quite difficult. For ovulation to occur, hormone levels must be balanced properly. If not, anovulation may occur. There are ways to track progestrone levels and ovulation.

The Effects of Estrogen on Hair

Estrogen is a hormone that is produced by a woman's ovaries. Throughout your life, your estrogen levels will rise and fall. Hair growth accelerates as estrogen levels increase, while later in life you may experience hair loss as estrogen levels drop.

Does Low Progesterone Cause No Pregnancy Signs?

During pregnancy, hormone levels change. In the case of progesterone, levels begin to change as soon as you ovulate. After ovulation, the remnant of the follicle that contained the egg, called the corpus luteum, produces progesterone.

How to Lower High Cortisol Levels Naturally

Cortisol is a hormone produced by the human body, designed to help the body deal with mental and physical stress. Also known as the "stress hormone," cortisol increases in the blood rise as an individual feels either physical, emotional or mental stress.