Balance Board Benefits

Balance boards, also known as wobble boards, are instruments that use a flat, hard top that you stand on, and an unstable rounded bottom so that to use it, you must exercise balance and swift movements. Balance boards are used in a variety of ways, from sports training, to fitness and exercise and even rehabilitation.

Does Being Dehydrated Cause Pimples?

When your body loses more water -- through urination, tears, sweat and respiration -- than it takes in, you can become dehydrated. You can also lose fluids when you are sick and vomiting or experiencing diarrhea.

Causes of Excessive Thirst & Headaches

If you've ever been so thirsty that no amount of water seems to slake that thirst, chances are there is something going on inside your body that needs to be evaluated by a health-care provider. The headache might be caused by the unquenchable thirst and should be added to any list of symptoms you're giving.

Should You Exercise If You Are Dehydrated?

Even mild to moderate dehydration can create potentially damaging consequences to your body during exercise. Not drinking enough fluids or losing too much bodily fluid causes dehydration.

Latissimus Dorsi Sprains

Your latissimus dorsi muscle is the largest muscle in your back and makes moving your arm up and back possible. The muscle connects your arm to your back and is one of the largest muscles affecting your shoulder functioning, according to chiropractor Dr. Kim Christensen.

Muscle Stimulation & Ankle Injuries

Ankle injuries, particularly injuries to the ligaments on the lateral side of the ankle joint are one of the most common sports injuries that occur when the ankle "rolls" under the athlete.

Symptoms of a Dislocated Shoulder in a Baby

If your baby has fallen on her shoulder or received a blow to her clavicle, it’s possible for her to end up with a partially or completely dislocated shoulder. This happens when the humerus bone in the upper arm comes out of its socket, tearing or stretching the muscles and ligaments.

Dangers of Smoking While Using Oxygen

Supplemental oxygen -- a life-saving therapy for many diseases and conditions -- poses serious safety risks when used while smoking. Normal air contains 21 percent oxygen, while supplemental oxygen can contain up to 100 percent oxygen.

Dehydration Synthesis in Lipids

Dehydration synthesis is the process of making a larger molecule from smaller building blocks by removing two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom -- the chemical components of water.

How to Wrap an Injured Foot

Foot injuries can occur from overuse or improper use, such as poor form while exercising, and congenital issues, such as flat feet.

Electrolytes & Dehydration

Dehydration is the loss of fluid from the body. There are many reasons for dehydration, including heatstroke, strenuous exercise, kidney disease, vomiting and diarrhea, and chronic conditions like diabetes. The symptoms of dehydration include dry lips and mouth, rapid heart rate and decreased urine output.

Causes of Loss of Appetite and Excessive Thirst

Several conditions can cause decreased appetite and increased thirst. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, or UMMC, increased thirst, also known as polydipsia, is a fairly common symptom.