Treatments for Forearm Muscle and Tendon Injuries

Treatment for forearm muscle and tendon injuries, or strains, typically involves a combination of therapies with the goal of return to normal function.

Dr. Tina M. St. John
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Lateral Hamstring Tendinopathy

Lteral hamstring tendinopathy is a condition where the lateral muscle in the hamstring is inflamed where its tendon inserts into the bone.

Martin Hughes
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What Are the Treatments for a Rib Muscle Injury?

A rib muscle injury can be more difficult to treat than a pulled muscle in other areas. There are [three layers of muscles]( located between each rib -- the external intercostal muscles, internal intercostal muscles, and innermost intercostal muscles.

Nancy Clarke
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Healing a Torn Biceps Muscle Tendon

The biceps muscle tendons can tear at the shoulder or, less commonly, the elbow. Treatment depends on the location and extent of the tear, and other factors.

Deborah Dunham
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Supplements to Repair Torn Muscle

Torn muscles, also known as muscle strains, occur when one or more of your muscles is stretched beyond its natural length. Muscle strains are classified as mild, moderate or severe, based on the amount of muscle damaged and the symptoms you experience. MayoClinic.

Martin Hughes
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Torn Muscle in Bicep Symptoms

Seemingly everyone has experienced muscle pain at some point. Many common causes of muscle pain include delayed-onset muscle soreness, a muscle cramp, compartment syndrome and the flu, according to the Mayo Clinic. A tear in the muscle body can also cause significant symptoms.

Jacques Courseault
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What Are the Treatments for a Torn Pectoral Muscle?

A strong serve in tennis, a slip and fall, or an incident of heavy lifting can cause a torn pectoral muscle. Patients usually become aware of a tissue rupture brought on by muscle strain right away.

Nancy Clarke
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Injury to a Forearm Muscle

The majority of injuries that happen to forearm muscles are a result of overuse, according to the Sports Injury Handbook. Continual wear and tear on the muscles, ligaments and nerves eventually leads to a breakdown of the tissues and injury when you perform the activity that caused the weakness.

Linda Ray
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The Best Way to Heal a Torn Calf Muscle

Your calf, or gastrocnemius muscle, can easily become strained during exercise or sports that quickly change direction, such as basketball or tennis.

Allison Stevens
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What Are the Treatments for a Torn Muscle?

Muscles are fibrous tissues that can become torn in various injuries. A torn muscle is referred to as a strained or pulled muscle. A muscle strain most often occurs when the muscle is required to contract forcefully, such as in sporting events.

Blake Biddulph
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Symptoms of a Torn Calf Muscle

The calf, or lower leg, consists of two major muscles: the gastrocnemius -- the large muscle on the back of the calf -- and the soleus -- the smaller muscle that runs underneath the gastrocnemius. Calf muscle tears, or strains, are common in athletes with tight calf muscles.

Deborah Dunham
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How to Repair Torn Muscles in the Abdomen

Torn abdominal muscles are also referred to as sprains and involve tearing of the supporting muscle fibers. This causes pain, inflammation and weakness and is usually due to improper movement during workouts or lifting of heavy objects.

Sharin Griffin
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