Mcg Vs. Mg Measurement

Mcg stands for microgram and mg stands for milligram. Understanding the difference, and how to convert mcg to mg, can ensure you measure the correct dosage for medication.

Christine DiMaria
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Ambien vs. Ambien CR

Ambien, also known by the generic name zolpidem, enhances inhibitory signaling in the brain by binding to a particular subclass of chemical receptors called benzodiazepine-GABA receptors.

Fabian Fernandez, Ph.D.
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Recommended Mattresses for Children

Finding the best mattress for your child can be hard work. In fact, there are so many styles, makes and models of mattresses that even organizations such as Consumer Reports and won’t make specific recommendations.

Carol Ochs
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Over-the-Counter Medications for External Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are inflamed and swollen blood vessels in the rectum and anus. This painful condition can occur inside and outside of the body. Symptoms of external hemorrhoids include pain, itching and rectal bleeding.

Abigail Adams
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Best Over the Counter Sleep Aid for Kids

According to a 2007 review published in the journal "Sleep," almost 20 million children in the U.S. received medical attention for sleep difficulties between the years 1993 and 2004. This treatment often included prescriptions for barbiturate and benzodiazepine drugs.

Bryan Myers
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The Melatonin Dosage for a Sleep Aid

Melatonin is a hormone made by your brain that helps regulate your body's internal clock. Your levels of melatonin increase at night and decrease during the day. Some people find that taking melatonin supplements helps them to sleep better, especially if they are suffering from jet lag.

Jessica Bruso
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How to Bring Down Swelling From an Injury Fast

When you sustain an injury, fluid collects in the area and causes swelling -- if enough fluid collects, it can cause increased pain. A common therapy regimen known as RICE -- rest, ice, compression and elevation -- can be applied to treat minor injuries such as sprains, strains and bruises.

Christopher Cascio
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How to Decrease the Swelling With an Infected Toe

Toe infections typically cause pain, redness, warmth and swelling and may result from a cut, injury, ingrown toenail or other problem. The swelling may be severe enough to interfere with walking and daily functioning.

Sandra Ketcham
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Ambien & Xanax Interaction

Zolpidem Tartrate and Alcohol Interaction

Jordan Bucher
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Does Magnesium Aid Sleeping?

Magnesium aids in calming the nerves and relaxing the muscles, which in turn can help individuals to fall asleep. Similarly, a deficiency of the mineral is sometimes responsible for the nervousness that prevents sleep.

Amber Keefer
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Homeopathic Sleep Remedies for Children

Homeopathic remedies have a long history in treating insomnia in both children and adults. The National Sleep Foundation states that children who have disturbed sleep can have trouble with learning or be hyperactive. Snoring can also disturb children's' sleep.

Melanie Grimes
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Caffeine & Sleeping Pills

Caffeine and sleeping pills remain some of the most popular supplements taken on a daily basis. Although they are helpful in the short-term, these supplements create a never-ending cycle of stimulation and drowsiness that move you ever further from a good night’s sleep.

Ryan Hurd
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