Do Overripe Fruits Cause Gastric Distress?

The ripening and decay process of fruit is a continuum of enzymatic activity, meaning anything beyond the peak of ripeness indicates some degree of fermenting. Fermentation converts fruit's sugar into alcohol enzymes and carbon dioxide, both of which cause decay.

Christina Schnell
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What Are the Causes of Burning Stomach After Eating Cantalope?

Eating cantaloupe is intended to be a refreshing experience, but if you develop a burning sensation in your stomach, you may avoid eating the fruit. A burning sensation in the stomach may be a sign of a more serious digestive condition that needs to be assessed by your doctor.

Diane Marks
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How Do You Know if a Watermelon Is Overripe?

When watermelon is ripe, the green rind is firm and the pink flesh is sweet, moist and crisp. However, when a watermelon is overripe, the flesh begins to deteriorate and lose its flavor and consistency.

Serena Styles
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Watermelon Diet Instructions

The watermelon diet is not an official diet. However, including a lot of watermelon in your diet can be a useful weight-loss strategy. Watermelon consists of 92 percent water and contains 2 g of fiber per half-cup serving.

Maggie Lynn
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How Are Melons Good for You?

First cultivated almost 4,000 years ago, melons smell and taste sweet, provide minimal calories and add color to your meals. And they also provide a range of nutrients that help you stay healthy and feel your best.

Pam Murphy
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Watermelon & Citrulline

Watermelon is one of the richest sources of citrulline. Citrulline is a nonessential amino acid and antioxidant that is converted to another amino acid called arginine by special enzymes. Arginine has a key role in cell division, wound healing, and the removal of ammonia from the body.

Charmaine Jones
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Blood Sugar & Watermelon

Watermelon is a juicy and tasty treat during the summer months. It provides you with a wealth of nutrients, including potassium and vitamins A and C, and the fruit has little impact on your blood sugar levels, making it a smart snack or dessert.

Michelle Fisk
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Benefits of Watermelon for Men

Watermelon is not only a thirst-quenching fruit on a hot day; it can also help you stay healthy. Research shows watermelon to have many health benefits especially helpful to men. Packed with vitamins and minerals, watermelon can have several positive effects on the body.

Josie Edward
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How to Cut & Store Watermelon

Watermelon is a “vitamin” food. One serving per day provides a healthy dose of Vitamin A and C, a good helping of vitamin B6 and higher levels of the carotenoid lycopene than any other fruit or vegetable.

Jackie Lohrey
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How to Make Infused Watermelon

Watermelon is a summer staple served at many summertime barbecues. Infusing a watermelon with vodka or another kind of alcohol, such as rum or whiskey, turns this cool and juicy fruit into a festive treat for adults at an outdoor party or picnic.

Assia M. Mortensen
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Side Effects of Eating Too Much Watermelon

Watermelon, fat free and a good source of vitamins A, B6 and C, also contains potassium and beneficial natural-plant chemicals such as lycopene and citrulline.

Jan Millehan
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Benefits of Watermelon Rinds

Most people discard the rind of the juicy watermelon, but don’t be so hasty – the watermelon rind has many benefits. Whether you eat the rind or use it topically, this often-wasted food can do good things for your body.

Nicki Wolf
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