Foods to Eat When You Have Hemorrhoids

There is no accepted official diet for hemorrhoids sufferers, but eating a high-fiber diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables and staying hydrated can help ease the symptoms.

Brynne Chandler
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Safe Foods to Eat After Rectal Bleeding

Typically caused by hemorrhoids, an anal fissure, diverticulitis, irritable bowel disease, ulcers or colon cancer, rectal bleeding is first noticeable as red blood on your toilet paper or in the toilet bowl, normally after you have a bowel movement. If you notice this symptom, consult your physician.

Stacey Phillips
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Heavy Squats & Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids affect over 1 million people in the Western world each year. They are much less common in underdeveloped countries, which is likely due to the high-fat, low-fiber diet that is more popular in Westernized countries.

Marie Bell
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Spicy Foods and Bleeding Hemorrhoids

Hot spices like chili peppers have an abundance of healthful substances, including vitamins and antioxidants. They add rich flavor to your diet without many extra calories.

Cindy Hill
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How to Use Preparation H on the Stomach

Preparation H is a brand of various creams, ointments and other treatments for hemorrhoids. The McKinley Health Center at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign describes hemorrhoids as inflamed and swollen veins in the lower rectum and/or anus.

Wendy Rose Gould
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Home Remedies for Dissolving Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are swollen, inflamed blood vessels that develop inside or outside the anus. Symptoms can be mildly irritating or distractingly painful.

Cindy Hill
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Common Drugstore Brands of Hemorrhoid Treatments

Hemorrhoids are swollen, sensitive veins in the rectum most often caused by straining during bowel evacuation or pregnancy. Half of those over the age of 50 have suffered from hemorrhoids at some point in their lives, so it is a common if embarrassing problem.

Richard Nilsen
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How to Treat Hemorrhoids Fast

Hemorrhoids, caused by swollen blood vessels in and around the rectum that have a tendency to bleed, can induce intense pain. Hemorrhoids make it difficult for a person to defecate or even sit down for any length of time due to this pain.

Carole Anne Tomlinson
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Home Remedies to Stop Bleeding Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the rectum or anus. Although rarely serious, hemorrhiods can be extremely uncomfortable. Several home remedies can help to ease the discomforts associated with hemorrhoids, but it is important to consult a physician if you experience any form of rectal bleeding.

Juniper Russo
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Can You Exercise With Hemorrhoids?

Exercise provides many health benefits. It boosts your cardiovascular and respiratory health, strengthens muscles, improves immunity and burns calories. Regular physical activity is also known to promote regular bowel movements, which can prevent hemorrhoids and even help them heal.

Jon Williams
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How to Cure Hemorrhoids in 48 Hours

Hemorrhoids are swollen varicose veins in the anus and/or rectum. They are caused by bearing down during defecation or childbirth, and may also develop from standing for long periods or from constipation. The pressure of bearing down causes the veins to swell, expand and bulge outside the body.

Jean Bardot
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The Best Vitamins to Treat Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a painful inflammation of the veins that surround the anus and rectum. The most common sign of hemorrhoids is bleeding during or after a bowel movement, according to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse.

Maura Banar
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