Are Fig Newtons Healthy?

Fig lovers often include Fig Newton cookies, a Nabisco product, in their diet. This cookie features paste made from figs inside a soft dough. You may find similar cookies sold under generic and brand names.

Siddhi Camila Lama
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Fig Allergies

Allergic reaction may result from consuming the skin or pulp of green or dried figs, from the commercial extract of figs or from fresh fig fruit. It is also possible for a sensitivity to be caused by inhaling pollen from figs or fig trees or by touching the fruit.

Gord Kerr
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The Nutrition Profile for Calimyrna Figs

The calimyrna fig originated in California and is a special breed of fig derived from the smyrna fig of Turkey. Known for its golden skin and nut-like flavor, the calimyrna fig is most commonly found dried but is also eaten fresh out of hand.

Jill Corleone, RDN, LD
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Calories in Fresh Figs

In a world where produce routinely travels thousands of miles from harvest to plate, fresh figs remain a seasonal luxury. The sweet, chewy fruit is exceptionally delicate -- its ultra-short shelf life is why the vast majority of figs are dried before they’re brought to market.

Meg Campbell
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How to Stew Figs

Fresh figs are highly perishable, but dried figs are hardy, available year-round and easy to ship and store. You can eat both fresh and dried figs plain, or you can stew figs for a warm, sweet treat that also works well with savory dishes.

Marcy Reed
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Nutrition Benefits of Fig Leaves

Once used to protect the privacy of Adam and Eve and adorn the bodies of Greeks and Romans, fig leaves are most commonly known for their spiritual and mythical symbolism. Although these large leaves do serve as adequate body coverings, they can also be transformed into a delectable dish.

Krista Sheehan
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Nutritional Value for Figs

Figs have long been a staple in Mediterranean cuisine -- archaeological evidence for the cultivation of figs goes back as far as 5,000 B.C., according to Julia Morton's "Fruits of Warm Climates" -- and they make up a regular part of the average American diet today.

Sylvie Tremblay, MSc
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